What We’re Buying
By BBB Staff
Being a man of size means having to be conscientious about such annoyances as fashionable clothing that actually flatters our larger silhouettes and furniture that offers weight limit specifications so that we don’t waste our money with goods that cannot hold our weight. We also want to support the businesses of Black, Black LGBTQIA+, and Black men of size that are for us and by us (FUBU). Accordingly, this space will be updated regularly with additions that we discover over time. We also welcome recommendations by you for places you have had good experiences with, goods you prefer, and/or services that cater to our unique community. Send your recommendations to blackbearbrotherhood@gmail.com and we’ll review your picks.
Big & Tall Fashion for the Fly Brother
MVP Collections (a FUBU site by Mo Vaughn – slightly inflated prices; check out the “sale” page)
XL Tribe (Kirklan Hawe’s XL Tribe’s FUBU specific shop for the Black gay/SGL dapper man of size)
ASOS (for your affordable basics – think Gap for the big man)
Bad Rhino (UK-based retailer with a wide range of fundamental apparel for men up to 8XL)
BooHoo Man (affordable, UK-based urban & trendy options for big men; includes Quavo line)
Dr. Jay’s (affordable urban retailer with an expansive Big & Tall section for the urban man)
Destination XL Men’s Apparel (named designers, pricey depending on your item)
E’s Qualitee Designs (FUBU Black-themed graphic apparel for men and women)
Big Man Culture (FUBU, but appears to be mostly tees and bowties and custom styling services)
Big Boys Are Cute (colorful limited edition FUBU T-shirts, sweats, and shorts)
The Winston Box (a subscription service for men of size looking for trendy, more hipster wear)
King Size (the old standby of men’s Big & Tall has been the go-to warhorse for years)
Bear Skn (comfortable underwear for men of size)
Colasso (branded urban wear up to size 5XL for men)
His Room (athletic, sleep, and leisure wear up to 6XL)
Classic retailers like Old Navy, Macy’s, Rochester, Westport, and JC Penny’s also all have substantial Big & Tall sections. Where do you shop? Are you a designer? Send us your site links.
Big Man Furniture
These furniture retailers lets you review weight limits in the specifications to help make informed choices. Not everything these retailers sale will suit your weight, but you can review in advance to make sure you’re buying quality furniture that works for you.
Wayfair (sturdy and affordable home furnishings)
Overstock (from low to high end discounted furnishings)
Big Fig Mattress (sturdier mattresses to support larger bodies)
Graphic Designers
Arts & Craft (Tai Allen – creative renaissance man, BBB website designer)
Hippy Potter (Thaddeus Coates personalized designs)
INPAQ (Chris Inpaq Sutton – photographer, digital storyteller, visual editor, videographer)
Also, check out the following for more BBB Faves:
BBB Music Faves: Who We’re Listening To
BBB Media Faves: What We’re Loving
We’d love to hear from you in the comment sections what you’re checking out as well. Who knows? It might make next month’s list! #SoundOff