BBB Care Bears Project Training Launch
Join us in being better equipped in being our brothers’ keepers. If you can give up two set Saturday afternoons in September AND you’re in the Detroit, Cincinnati, or D.C. chapter areas and you’re interested in gaining certified skills in mental health first aid and suicide prevention to help better support our brothers in crisis, e-mail BlackBearBrotherhood@gmail.com to receive an application. Approval determined pending application review. Don’t delay. Apply NOW!
The BBB Care Bear Project is a brand new all-volunteer, care-taking initiative of the Black Bear Brotherhood of Detroit, one committed to supporting Black gay/bi/SGL/GNC men of size and their allies in times of crisis and need. The announced training is the necessary first step in ensuring BBB Care Bear Project volunteers are well-trained before being utilized formally as the official support squad of the Black Bear Brotherhood of Detroit. Project leaders are Michael L. Williams and Membership Chairperson Terry “Bear” Allen. Email BBB if you’re interested in learning more about this initiative.